
The million-dollar question:

How to recognise customers, anticipate their needs and offer them what they really want.

Thanks to our RFM analysis, ZOOT won the Effie award for increasing conversion from retention emailing by 30%.”

– Lukáš Haubelt, Head of Performance, Zoot

Is your e-commerce marketing facing any of these typical issues?

Your cross-channel campaign isn’t working – and you can’t figure out why
You don’t have an overview of the development of segments of your client base
You don’t have any possibility to assess data-adjusted marketing results
Integrating marketing data and CRM “under one roof” involves substantial costs
Unclear attribution modelling and data sampling in Google Analytics 4
Client segmentation by demographics / average order / order frequency swallows up excessive amounts of time and money

You aren’t alone: only 7 % of marketing professionals can make effective decisions in real time.

And all you have to do is use the data. According to a LinkedIn study, data-driven businesses are 137 % more likely to differentiate themselves from and outperform their competitors.

With our evaluation marketing tools, you’ll understand your customers’ needs and behaviour in seconds. In real time, in a few clicks, and clearly.

Judge for yourselves.

Case Study

Marketing Topline

  • Description: Every marketing manager who wants to make informed decisions needs a single location where they can see what’s going on. Marketing Topline is your go-to place for data from marketing, analytical and customer platforms – set up in a way that’s just right for you.
  • Who it’s for: The report is intended for stakeholders who want to have a unified view of marketing.

Customer Centred Reporting

  • Description: To understand one’s client base, it is necessary to monitor how many customers are reactivated and how many disappear over time. Without this perspective, it is difficult to strategically plan the scope of acquisition marketing.
  • Who it’s for: The report is intended for teams responsible for expanding the client base. 

RFM Analysis

  • Description: If you want to understand your client base, you can’t do without an RFM analysis. This method is used to find out which customers shop frequently, or which shop less frequently, but spend more money when they do.
  • Who it’s for: The report is intended for teams and individuals responsible for marketing focusing on an existing client base.

Customer Life-time Value

  • Description:This report is used to track the total value of customers during the span of their shopping life.
  • Who it’s for: The report is intended for teams and individuals responsible for the customer base and increasing the overall value of that base. In our experience, this dashboard is used by country managers and marketing managers.

Attribution model(s)

  • Description: Attribution model(s) help users to understand the benefits of individual campaigns and how the campaigns have influenced clients’ purchasing behaviour.
  • Who it’s for:  The data output that modifies other dashboards is intended for teams and individuals responsible for performance marketing or for compliance with KPIs such as PNO or margins.

Risk Model

  • Description: The Risk Model predicts risky clients (orders, subscriptions…), helping to reduce the risk to which the company is exposed.
  • Who it’s for: Managers of customer care units who, thanks to the report, can obtain information about risky clients before their costs exceed a reasonable level.

These dashboards were created for:

In need of a report? We can help.

Would you also like to make use of any of these reports? Just contact us, and we’ll take it from there.