Data warehouse

A modern data warehouse, customised to your needs.

A Cloud solution gives you:

scalability and possibility of integration with other tools
easier administration and lower maintenance demands
secure, simple data sharing
possibility to manage costs and pay only for performance provided

Data warehouses should be used for reliable reporting, and not be a burden. Let your analytics team focus on truly important tasks instead of maintaining obsolete infrastructure that needlessly eats up time and money. B

y deploying a Cloud solution, you can save on both. In all cases we design the architecture and processes to meet the needs of end users and add value to your business through trustworthy data.

When we migrate a data warehouse we can also:

  • optimisation of loads and historisation 
  • rebilling of surcharges 
  • consolidation of resources, transformations and data marts 
  • simplification of the data model and clearer documentation 
  • improved data quality 
  • more secure data governance 
  • deployment of new components under control

Comprehensive supply that you don’t have to worry about

We supply an experienced team that’ll take care of everything, from A to Z: from architecture, individual components and processed customised to your needs, to a project plan that we will continuously validate. In addition to the implementation and development of supplementary components and continuous support, we also offer data training, the resolution of complex tasks using data science, and reporting.