Do you want to have a single place where you can look and see immediately which channels are performing and which are loss-making? Then the Marketing Topline report’s the one for you!
If you want to understand your client base, you can’t do without an RFM analysis. This method is used to find out which customers shop frequently, or which shop less frequently, but spend more money when they do. You can then target marketing activities more effectively towards these users. At the same time, it also allows you to identify how many clients are currently “sleeping”, and then it’s up to you whether you activate them. Even less technical people shouldn’t be scared of the report, because we prepare the criteria for you without any coding or complicated settings.
The report is intended for teams and individuals responsible for marketing focusing on an existing client base. From our experience, these are owned channel managers, e-mail marketers and CMOs.
On the report, you can see clients divided into groups ranging from “Champions” to “Lost” (the designation of the groups in the final report is, however, entirely up to you). Each group is defined by activity in terms of purchases, size of purchases, and also the date of last purchase. This allows you to select groups with similar purchasing behaviour and target them with marketing.
On this dashboard, you can set the sizes of individual groups on which you operate based on your knowledge of the market, making it an ideal tool for areas with a specific target group.